Wow… What a year it has been! When we started this project early in 2023 we had no idea we would be packing up our lives in Seattle, Wa and reestablishing ourselves in Corning, NY.

That being said, our lives have been thrown into chaos for almost a year now but we are slowly starting to settle back into a tiny amount of normalcy. 

Regarding this Membership page, we have been sending out glass rewards (Although random in timing, it has added up to the value brought in)…but beside the odd “announcement bar” update on the website we have been pretty silent. For everyone who has stuck around this last year… 

You are AMAZING! and for that we are profoundly thankful.

Although we got some snow this weekend ❄️🥶🤫  Signs of spring are showing! With that, we are feeling reinvigorated and inspired to keep tackling all the many things on our never-ending list to build out our dream studio.

Moving Forward:

We are going to do our best to keep more of a set schedule with drawing names, sending our rewards, and keeping this blog updated. 

In other good news:

Although the studio is still looking pretty rough and unfinished  we have officially lit the furnace!  We can now start tackling some overdue orders, fill the empty website, and start paying off those pesky moving costs.

Onward and upward.



Janusz Pozniak1 Comment